Mar 5, 2023Liked by The Bio-Individual Newsletter

Did you read Iain's first or second book? The 2nd ("The Matter With Things") has several chapters explaining why the very idea that science has any kind of comprehensive solution to the problems of humanity is one of today's most fundamental mistakes of the left hemisphere. He also in the final chapters speaks of the necessity of coming to terms with what "God" really means. not the psychopathic, sadistic old guy in the sky of most religions, but the"Existence Consciousness Bliss" so beautifully described by David Bentley Hart in his book of the same name.

As for "mindfulness" as a solution - I hope you're not thinking of it's modern pop incarnation, which is the self's self improvement project at its ultimate height. The self cannot abandon or get over itself, as countless sages, mystics, yogis and seers have taught for thousands of years. Ramakrishna said the current age is so lost in the left hemisphere way of saying things (well, he didn't refer to neurology but said the same thing infinitely better in his own language) that the only hope was repeating the Divine Name.

Fortunately, that is no longer true - but as far as utter and complete surrender to the Divine Reality - it's actually not "hard" at all (only seems so to the LH absorbed consciousness). As Ramana Maharshi once put it,"the only thing required for awakening is to be - what could be easier than that?"

Well, what could be harder for that if you take yourself to be a human doing rather than a human being?

I would dare say that the practices (yes, practices - the non LH way seems a paradox; no self improvement BUT there are practices - the whole. modern"anti practice" movement in the world of spiriuality is another hangup of the LH) - the practices in Craig Holliday's book "The Yoga of LIberation" provide a profound solvent for the left-hemisphere absorbed consciousness.

Yes, Iain does tentatively recommend mindfulness but falls into theLH mistake of denying the possible value of ANY kind of practice. Krishnamurti seems to have fallen into this mistake but he actually did teach practcies. Well, as a friend of mine, channeling his best Dr. Phil voice, told a meditation student who was insisting that any kind of meditation practice just strengthens theLH ego, "And how's THAT working out for you?"

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