Mar 10, 2023Liked by The Bio-Individual Newsletter

Hi, just checking:

When you say our current perspective is "materialist"- did you mean valuing the physical world, or the philosophy that there is some kind of dead, purely non conscious, non intelligent stuff which nobody can define?

If the latter, this sounds odd as this is a time when top level scientists around the world are rapidly abandoning the 19th century religion followed by such modern meditation teachers as Stephen Batchelor.

Interesting also, when there is a burgening worldwide movement to incorporate contemplative practices in christianity, Judaism and Islam, as well as the whole worldwide Nondualism movement which frequently is expressed entirely without any cultural trappings or borrowing from Vedantic or Buddhist teachings.

Here's my Amazon review of Craig Holliday's book, "The Yoga of Liberation." He is passionately an advocate of body awareness and body work (an avid skateboarder as a kid, he lives in the mountains of Colorado and frequently does hiking, rock climbing and is involved in jiu jitzu as well, and regularly recommends yoga, Qigong, kettlebell workouts, etc).

From an Irish background, he talks about himself as having been a "God guy" throughout his childhood, regularly goes to mass with his wife and daughter, and just as easily brings in Christian references along with Nondualism, Buddhist, yogic, Vedantic, and (especially) tantric practices.

This seems to be in line with what Mother and Sri Aurobindo taught in their integral yoga. Sri Aurobindo referred quite positively to Swami Vivekananda's suggestion nearly 125 years ago that the ideal state would be when all recognize the same one Divine Reality yet each individual has such a unique approach to That, that it could be considered that each person has their own unique religion.

Here's my review: https://www.amazon.com/Yoga-Liberation-heart-based-spiritual-awakening-ebook/dp/B08N5MCR4V/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2QXDOBL26KMR0&keywords=yoga+of+liberation&qid=1678469525&sprefix=yoga+of+liberation%2Caps%2C126&sr=8-1#customerReviews (it's titled "Stunning Surprise")

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